Monday, April 25, 2011

A Recent Visit with Dad

Saturday, April 16, 2011

This is the most recent photo of my Dad. We were able to visit with him before Easter, it is always a blessing to be able to hold his hand and touch his face. I think it's the best way to say "I love you". He rarely speaks anymore, his words are often just mumblings. I think often of how heaven will restore him. How it offers hope that surpasses our earthly understanding. What a beautiful thing to yearn for. The "hope of heaven". I think I am finally understanding it. I pray often for Dad's coming home, for his healing, for his first glimpse of His savior.

I wish that I could say that it is always easy to be with my Dad. But often, I find I leave so broken and sad. Is this really how it has to end for him? In one moment, I can find strength in knowing that I will see him again in eternity... but in another moment all I can do is shake my head in disbelief.

Dad, I miss your smile, your laugh, your contagious spirit. I even miss your humor. I see a lot of you in all 3 of us...
I see you in Greg... the way he captures a room and can talk to anyone!
I see you in Lindsey... (her chin especially!) her ability to communicate effectively, her confidence, her love for people.
I see you in myself... I'm just plain old goofy, and really love people!
I can't wait to see even more of you in our children!

As always... I am most proud of my mom. Her endurance, her stamina, her compassion. Her love runs deep.

Easter Blessings....

So, you know things are getting easier when we can actually capture this moment (numerous times, too!) The kids are enjoying one another so much. There is much fun and laughter and of course.... EASTER EGG HUNTING!

They enjoyed hunting for the Easter Eggs in between thunder storms. The grown ups hid the eggs and Grandma had wisely color-coded the eggs and bags so that each child had a particular color to search for. They even helped one another when they found a different color. It was a wonderful egg hunt and the kids played with their candy and eggs for a while after!

Everyone helped out with our Easter meal... Jon did his famous turkey, Grandma and Opa brought rolls, cranberry salad and an awesome "Sinful Sunday Pie", Shelley brought fruit, Tina and Alan brought salad and Greg and Christina helped out with the coffee! (group shot to come!)

It was a special Easter... could be the last one in this Bisset house. So grateful for these moments... Happy Easter, He is Risen Indeed!